DateTextAmendmentAmendment for (+) or against (-) nature?SubjectBinding valueIn favourAgainstWas the amendment adopted?
23/10/2019Motion for a resolution on the regulation on the impact of plant protection products on honeybeesUnique vote +Biodiversity053367Adopted
14/11/2019Motion for a resolution on Commission's decision authorising products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maizeUnique vote. +Biodiversity0465169Adopted
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the climate and environment emergencyAm 1: Urges the new Commission to address the inconsistencies of current Union policies on the climate and environment emergency, in particular through a far-reaching reform of its agricultural, trade, transport, energy and infrastructure investment policies+Climate0352303Adopted
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)Am 45 p.7 : Suppresses "economy-wide target of a 55 % reduction in domestic GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels" + suppresses "enshrining in EU law the target to reach climate neutrality as soon as possible and by 2050 at the latest;-Climate0243407Rejected
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)Am 52 p.2: Acknowledges that the burden of climate change is already, and will continue to be, overwhelmingly on the countries of the Global South, that the countries of the Global South are more vulnerable + the countries of the Global South have contried to the climate crisis considerably less than the Global North+Climate0420231Adopted
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)§ 45.1: Reiterates that the CAP should no longer provide subsidies for activities that are harmful to the environment and the climate, including the draining of peatlands and the over-abstraction of water for irrigation, nor should it penalise the presenc+Climate0375280Adopted
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)Am 9: calls to supporting " the designation of the Mediterranean Sea as a combined Sox and NOx emission control area as a crucial step forward to reducing shipping emissions in Europe;+Climate0366256Adopted
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the climate and environment emergency§ 1.1: Declares a climate and environment emergency;+Climate0374269Adopted
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the climate and environment emergencyAm 3: "not a single euro from the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) will be used to finance activities or projects that run counter to the objectives of the Paris Agreement or that contribute to biodiversity loss+Climate0260394Rejected
28/11/2019Motion for a resolution on the climate and environment emergencyAm 18: Commits to giving its consent to trade and investment agreements with third countries only if they are signatories to the Paris Agreement (...) and only if the trade and investment agreements include legally binding and enforceable environmental an+Climate0158495Rejected
18/12/2019Motion for a resolution on the EU Pollinators InitiativeAm 3 p.3: Calls on the Commission to extend the ban imposed on imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam to all neonicotinoid-based pesticides;+Biodiversity0396259Adopted
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green Deal§24/2: Insists on a rapid phase-out of direct and indirect fossil fuel subsidies by 2020 in the EU and in each Member State;+Climate0383294Adopted
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green DealAm 14: all people living in Europe should be granted the fundamental right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment and to a stable climate, without discrimination, and that this right must be delivered through ambitious policies and must be and fully enforceable through the justice system at national and EU level+Environmental justice0430201Adopted
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green DealAm 10: partly says: "calls for the RenewableEnergy Directive to be revised in line with this ambition with designated binding national targets for each Member State;"+Climate0361328Adopted
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green Deal§57/1: Notes with concern that agriculture, fishery and food production are still the biggest driver of terrestrial and marine biodiversity loss;+Biodiversity0357306Adopted
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green DealAm 55: p.3: Biodiversity and nature should not simply be considered as "natural capital" to be exploited, but should rather be recognised as the common heritage of all humankind + deeply regrets that Europe continues to lose biodiversity at an alarming rarming rate and has not met previous targets+Biodiversity0285363Rejected
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green Deal§65/2: partly says "emphasises the importance of increasing the effectiveness and size of protected area networks in order to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and to allow biodiversity to recover"+Biodiversity0398292Adopted
15/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the European Green DealAm 12 p.4: partly says "calls for the EIB investment policy to provide targeted financing for European Green Deal initiatives as a matter of priority"+Climate0420244Adopted
16/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity1. Am 18 p.5: calls on the Commission “to propose an ambitious and inclusive Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 that sets legally binding targets for the EU and its Member States, including specific targets to reach at least 30 % of protected terrestrial and +Biodiversity0357290Adopted
16/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological DiversityAm 5/2 : states that " the massive use of broad-spectrum systemic herbicides such as glyphosate is directly responsible for massive loss of biodiversity"+Biodiversity0318315Adopted
16/01/2020Motion for a resolution on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological DiversityAm 19: "Calls on the Commission and the Member States to defend the adoption of a global legal status and rights to be recognised for global commons and for terrestrial and marine ecosystems at COP15"+Biodiversity0291314Rejected
21/01/2020Report "More fish in the seas?" Am 4: Calls on the Commission (..) to continue to support plans to improve selectivity and the survival of non-target species, to reduce the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems, and to take into account the results of studies showing the detrimental +Ocean0262371Rejected
21/01/2020Report "More fish in the seas?" Am 5: Welcomes the Commission’s proposal (…) to have at least 30 % of sea area in the EU protected, including through fish stock recovery areas, as provided for under the CFP, and areas where the most destructive fishing techniques and economic activities and economic activities are restricted;+Ocean0346304Adopted
21/01/2020Report "More fish in the seas?" Am 6: Calls for a third of this area (i.e.10 % of European waters) to benefit from a high level of protection, including areas where all catches and all economic activities are prohibited (i.e. no-take zones).+Ocean0325318Adopted
21/01/2020Report "More fish in the seas?" Am 1: Stresses that fish are sentient beings and should be spared unnecessary suffering; calls on the Commission and the Member States to take steps to develop and implement gentler methods of capture, landing and slaughter of fish in order to reduce stre+Ocean0253408Rejected
21/01/2020Report "More fish in the seas?" Am 3: stresses that "scientific studies on the subject have raised concerns about the long-term negative impact that certain uses of fishing techniques, such as bottom-contacting gear and fish aggregating devices (FADs), have on stocks, ocean biodiversity and the marine environment."+Ocean0341247Adopted
12/02/2020Motion for a resolution on a Trans-European energy infrastructureUnique vote +Climate1169443Rejected
14/09/2020Report on the EU’s role in protecting and restoring the world’s forestsAm 3: attempts to weaken the recognition of the impact of biofuel use on deforestation and the need to reform its approach to bioenergy.-Biodiversity0327346Rejected
14/09/2020Report on the EU’s role in protecting and restoring the world’s forestsAm 2: Stresses that the use of wood for biofuels and bioenergy should increase the size and sustainability of the EU’s and the world’s forests in the light of the rising demand for energy from renewable sources ==> instead of "Denounces the increasing use of wood for biofuels and bioenergy which is reating pressure on (...) -Climate0327354Rejected
14/09/2020Report on the EU’s role in protecting and restoring the world’s forests§24: Calls on the Commission to come forward with due diligence requirements for financial institutions to identify, prevent and mitigate the environmental, social and human rights impacts of EU-driven deforestation in order to guarantee that no EU financce or banking entity is linked – either directly or indirectly – to deforestation, forest degradation, the conversion or degradation of natural ecosystems or human rights violations;+Environmental justice0406260Adopted
15/09/2020Report on the Just Transition Fund1. AM 45/1:      “for regions heavily relying on the extraction and combustion of coal, lignite, oil shale or peat, the Commission may approve territorial just transition plans which include investments in activities related to natural gas (…) ».-Climate1374303Adopted
15/09/2020Report on the Just Transition FundAm 66: access to the JTF shall be conditional on the adoption of a national objective towards the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050. For those Member States which have not yet committed to a national target for climate neutrality, only 50 % of their national allocation shall be released+Climate1402281Adopted
06/10/2020Report on the framework for achieving climate neutralityAm 27/ 2 p. 17: After 2050, the Union and all Member States should continue to reduce emissions to ensure that removals of greenhouse gases exceed anthropogenic emissions+Climate1392292Adopted
06/10/2020Report on the framework for achieving climate neutralityAm 140 p.3: partly says "This Regulation contributes to protecting the inviolable and inalienable rights of natural persons to human dignity, to life and to environmental protection…"+Environmental justice1296384Rejected
06/10/2020Report on the framework for achieving climate neutralityAm 48/2 + 100PC1 : This amendment supports a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, rather than the 55% target set by the Commission.+Climate1352326Adopted
22/10/2020Report on the strategic plans for Member States under the Common agricultural policyAm 732: Adds a system of conditionalities for which beneficiaries are subject to a penalty in case they do not comply with working and employment conditions and/or employer obligations resulting from all relevant collective agreements and social and labour law at national, Union and international levels.+Environmental justice1350325Adopted
22/10/2020Report on the strategic plans for Member States under the Common agricultural policyAm 1310 p.11: Member States shall justify in their CAP Strategic Plans, on the basis of the most recent and reliable available information, how they intend to achieve the greater overall contribution (....) how they intend the targets set out in the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies.+Biodiversity1265419Rejected
22/10/2020Report on the strategic plans for Member States under the Common agricultural policyAm 1141: The European Commission has linked CAP payments to a series of environmental obligations. This amendment has been tabled to weaken these environmental conditionalities.-Biodiversity1422209Adopted
22/10/2020Report on the strategic plans for Member States under the Common agricultural policyAm 1143: The assessment should include the objectives of substantial and continuous reduction of the use and the risk of chemical pesticides, antimicrobials, nutrient losses, as well as a substantial increase of land under organic farming and of land under organic farming and of land under high diversity landscape features.+Biodiversity1339348Rejected
22/10/2020Report on the strategic plans for Member States under the Common agricultural policyAm 1147: Proposal of rejection+Biodiversity1166503Rejected
22/10/2020Report on the strategic plans for Member States under the Common agricultural policyAm 782/2 p.8 : The pathway for this transition should focus on promoting diversified, sustainable and resilient agricultural practices that contribute to protecting and enhancing natural resources, reinforcing ecosystems and to climate change adaptation (...) +Biodiversity1377310Adopted
11/11/2020Report on Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement with the Republic of Seychelles.Am 2: “whereas reflagging is being used by a number of EU vessels that seek to bypass stricter rules and quota allocation, while still being owned by EU citizens or companies”+Ocean0180478Rejected,
11/11/2020Report on Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement with the Republic of Seychelles.Am 1: says among other things that « some of the sectoral support provided has been used to fund infrastructure that has benefited mostly the non-domestic fleet rather than the local fisheries sector »+Ocean0274352Rejected
17/12/2020Motion for a resolution on the EU strategy on adaptation to climate changeAm 1: about adapation policy: calls for the new strategy to include binding and quantifiable goals both at EU and Member State level.+Climate0354333Adopted
17/12/2020Motion for a resolution on the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change§46/1: Calls for the Commission to adequately and swiftly address desertification and land degradation, problems that already affect most countries in the Union and have emerged as one of the most visible consequences of climate change, and to develop a methodology and indicators to assess their extent; also highlights the need to address soil sealing+Climate0383307adopted
09/03/2021Recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability§29 : "Considers that, in line with the UN ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework considerations on the rights of victims to a remedy, the jurisdiction of Union courts should be extended to business-related civil claims brought against Union undertak+Environmental justice0143333Rejected
09/03/2021Report on a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism Am 3: suppresses the mention of the 1.5℃ goal as one of the main guiding principles of trade policy,-Climate0356300Adopted
09/03/2021Report on a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism§33/4: stresses that the revenues generated from a CBAM should by no means be used as disguised subsidies for high-polluting European industries, as this would ultimately compromise its WTO compatibility; +Climate0385238Adopted
09/03/2021Report on a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism§ 39: says that " the implementation of the CBAM must be accompanied by the removal of all forms of environmentally harmful subsidies granted to energy-intensive industries at national level"+Climate0358316Adopted
09/03/2021Recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability Am 20 : 3a. Member States may exempt micro- undertakings and small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council from the application of the obligations set out in this Directive.-Environmental justice0224460Rejected
09/03/2021Recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and corporate accountabilityAm 24 "Undertakings shall not pass on their due diligence obligations to their business relationships or contractually oblige subcontractors or suppliers to fulfil them on their behalf." ==> instead of "Undertakings shall regularly verify that subcontractors and suppliers comply with their obligations under paragraph 8."-Environmental justice0206473Rejected
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAm 337 :partly says that "Member States shall equip vessels with remote electronic monitoring systems (...) in particular those vessels with a high-expected rate of incidental catches of sensitive species due to the type of gear used, or where direct evi+Ocean1272382Rejected
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAM 340 : Member States shall ensure effective control of the landing obligation. For this purpose a minimum percentage of fishing vessels of 12 metres length overall or more, flying their flag and fishing for species subject to the landing obligation, idetified as posing a high risk of non- compliance with the landing obligation in the specific oversight and inspection programmes adopted under Article 95,shall be equipped with continuously recording Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems incorporating data storage, in compliance with all applicable rules on the protection of privacy and processing of personal data. +Ocean1339331Adopted,
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAM 338 : 3 a. In the case of the capture of sensitive species, the logbook shall also contain: (a) the species captured; (b) the number of individuals captured; (c) the date and geographic position of the capture; (d) the number of individuals killed; (e) the number of individuals released; (f) the number of individuals injured and released. +Ocean1500183Adopted;
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAm 247 : h) being involved in the operation, management, ownership of, or being hired on, a vessel engaged in IUU fishing as defined under Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008, in particular those listed in the IUU vessel list of the Union or of a regional fisheries management organisation as referred to in Articles 29 and 30 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 or supplying services to operators connected to a vessel engaged in IUU fishing or benefitting from, supporting or engaging in IUU fishing including as operators, effective beneficiaries, owners, logistics and service providers, including insurance providers and other financial service providers;+Ocean1422232Adopté 
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAM 333 : "2. The data exchanged between Member States and the Commission may be transmitted to persons other than those in Member States or Community institutions whose functions require them to have such access unless the Member States transmitting the data provide a reasoned refusal to disclose the data." Instead of : The data exchanged between Member States and the Commission shall not be transmitted to persons other than those in Member States or Community institutions whose functions require them to have such access unless the Member States transmitting the data give their express consent+Ocean1410257Adopted 
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAM 308: 3a. A Member State may exempt EU fishing vessels of less than 15 metres length overall that are flying its flag from the requirement to be fitted with a vessel monitoring system if they: -(a) operate exclusively in the territorial waters of the flag Member State; or - (b) never spend more than 24 hours at sea from the time of departure to the return to -Ocean1131533Rejected
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAm 331 : demands to reduce from 221 to 120 kilowatts the minimal engine power at which Member States shall ensure that vessels using trawls, seines and surrounding nets, are equipped with permanently installed devices that measure and record engine power.+Ocean1161518Rejected
10/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAm 81 : It loosens the margin of tolerance for tuna species, raising it from 20% in the original text to 25 %. -Ocean1354326Adopted
11/03/2021Report on fisheries control regulationAm 328/1: increases the numbers of exceptions for which industrial vessels are exempted from controls-Ocean1365286Adopted
08/06/2021Report on the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our livesAm 22: this amendment aims to further authorize the capture of fish to feed carnivorous farmed fish. It calls for this practice to be "controlled" rather than "eliminated", as proposed in the original text. Rejection of this amendment protects nature.-Ocean0325357Rejected
08/06/2021Report on the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives§ 74.2 points out that deep-seabed bottom trawling is highly likely to cause inevitable and permanent biodiversity loss;+Ocean0352313Adopted
08/06/2021Report on the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives§ 174.2: Calls on the Commission and the Member States to promote a moratorium, including at the International Seabed Authority, on deep-seabed mining until such time as the effects of deep-sea mining on the marine environment, biodiversity and human activities at sea have been studied and researched sufficiently (...)+Ocean0362313Adopted
07/07/2021Report on the General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030Am 60/2 p34: phasing out all direct and indirect environmentally harmful subsidies other than fossil fuel subsidies, at Union, national, regional and local level without delay and by 2027 at the latest+Climate1345327Adopted
07/07/2021Motion for a resolution on the establishment of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the conservation of Southern Ocean biodiversityAm 1: demands to substitute a paragraph underlining that "MPAs are an important tool for protecting ocean ecosystems as they can increase the diversity and abundance of species while enhancing the ocean’s resilience to environmental impacts, including climate change" with one stating that "MPAs should always be science-based, non-discriminatory and proportionate to the objectives of MPAs; whereas MPAs must adhere to the principles of good governance by means of preceding impact assessments and effective stakeholder participation" -Ocean0150530Rejected
05/10/2021Report on rebuilding fish stocks in the Mediterranean.Am1/1: Welcomes the Commission’s proposal, in its 2030 biodiversity strategy, to have at least 30 % of the sea area in the EU protected, including through establishing fish stock recovery areas, as provided for under the common fisheries policy (CFP), and areas where the most destructive fishing techniques and economic activities are restricted. +Ocean0387282Adopted
05/10/2021Report on rebuilding fish stocks in the Mediterranean.Am 3/2: calls on the GFCM to tackle issues such as global warming and IUU and recreational fishing, and to establish new fish stock recovery areas and fisheries closures;+Ocean0207455Rejected
05/10/2021Report on the role of development policy in the response to biodiversity loss in developing countries.§ 8: Calls for the EU and its Member States to add recognition of the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, to support the global recognition of this right as a human right and to support enshrining the comprehensive protection and defence of nature + enforcing strict standards on transparency, public participation and access to justice in accordance with the Aarhus Convention+Environmental justice0369243Adopted
05/10/2021Report on the role of development policy in the response to biodiversity loss in developing countries.§14/2: more broadly, calls for the EU to require business and financial institutions to scale up their commitment to biodiversity, for example through robust and mandatory provisions on impact assessment, risk management, disclosure and external reporting+Biodiversity0345323Adopted
05/10/2021Report on the role of development policy in the response to biodiversity loss in developing countries.§44/2: asks the Commission and the Council not to conclude new FTAs that could contribute to increasing world deforestation and biodiversity loss+Biodiversity0417194Adopted
05/10/2021Report on the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters to Community institutions and bodiesAm 48 (20 pages): states inter alia "Environmental non-governmental organisations and other members of the public should have the right to seek internal review of administrative acts and omissions of institutions ...".+Environmental justice1554127Adopted
03/03/2022Motion for a resolution on the sustainable blue economy in the EU: the role of the fisheries and aquaculture sectorsAm 4: suggests to replace the prohibition of bottom-trawling in all PMA by ”Calls, in particular, for the EU Union to prohibit the use of detrimental techniques in its strictly protected marine areas following the best available scientific advice”.-Ocean0319nullAdopted
03/03/2022Motion for a resolution on the sustainable blue economy in the EU: the role of the fisheries and aquaculture sectorsAm 1: Calls for the EU to urgently tackle the detrimental impacts on the climate, seabed integrity, fish populations and sensitive species (as bycatch) of fishing techniques such as bottom-contacting gear, drift nets, demersal seines or fish aggregatio+Ocean0361257Adopted 
03/03/2022Motion for a resolution on the sustainable blue economy in the EU: the role of the fisheries and aquaculture sectorsAm 3 « Calls for the EU to prohibit all environmentally damaging extractive industrial activities such as mining and fossil fuel extraction in marine protected areas”+Ocean0361208Adopted 
08/06/2022Report on a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading system.Am 261 : A shipping company shall receive free allocation of allowances proportionate to its use of biofuels, biogas, renewable fuels of non-biological origin and recycled carbon fuel + globally want to facilitate free allocation of allowances for shipping-Climate1269334Rejected
08/06/2022Report on a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading systemAm 263 p5: exemptions with allocation of 100% free quotas for goods intended for export from third countries which do not have the same quota system as the EU.-Climate1350270Adopted
08/06/2022Report on a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading systemAm 136 /2 p.111: No support from the Modernisation Fund shall be provided to nuclear energy-related activities or energy-related activities that use fossil fuels.+Climate1279347Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAm 39 p.25: In 2024, 50% (instead of 25% initally) of the quantity of allowances in respect of which free allocation would have taken place +Climate1320248Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAm 72 p.7 : Before 1 January 2025, the Commission(…) shall present an analysis of measures to reduce the climate impact of air travel by private aircraft, accompanied, where appropriate, by a proposal on how best to address those effects+Climate1321278Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAm 20 p.13:partly says " Public scrutiny and access to justice are an essential part of the democratic values of the Union and a tool to safeguard the rule of law. In the communication of the Commission of 14 October 2020 on improving access to justice in environmental matters in the EU and its Member States’, the Commission recognised that access to justice is not guaranteed in all Member States+Environmental justice1322275Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAm 26/2 p17 : only biofuels, bioliquids, and biomass fuels which comply with the sustainability and greenhouse gas emission savings criteria established by Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council1a can be considered to have zero emissions.+Climate1312281Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAm 42 p.32: Wants to add this paragrpah on access to justice, partly saying "members of the public concerned who meet the conditions set out in paragraph 2, including natural or legal persons or their associations, organisations or groups, have access to a review procedure before a court of law, or another independent and impartial body established by law, to challenge the substantive or procedural legality of decisions, acts and omissions (...) in conformity with the Aarhus Convention+Environmental justice1318276Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAm 44: partly says that this Regulation lays down obligations on Member States with respect to their minimum contributions for the period from 2021 to 2030 to fulfilling the Union’s target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 45 % below 2005 levels in 2030 in the sectors covered by Article 2 of this Regulation + contributes to the long-term target of climate neutrality in the Union by 2050 (..)+Climate1134465Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the regulation on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductionsAM 11 p.9: it is necessary that the Union and each Member State reach the Union-wide climate-neutrality objective by 2050 at the latest with the aim to achieve negative emissions thereafter. Regulation EU) 2018/842 should ensure that all Member States are brought on emissions trajectories, and adopt concrete long-term policies,+Climate1343265Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation for the achievement of climate neutrality in the land use, forestry and agriculture sector (LULUCF)AM 17/2 Contributes overall to setting more ambitious objetives for the LULUCF+Climate1314283Adopted
08/06/2022Report on the regulation for the achievement of climate neutrality in the land use, forestry and agriculture sector (LULUCF)AM 75: concerns the possibility that members of the public and civil society organisationn have access to justice procedures to challenge the failure of member states to comply with the reglementation of the LULUCF+Environmental justice1339254Approved
08/06/2022Report on the regulation for the achievement of climate neutrality in the land use, forestry and agriculture sector (LULUCF)AM 97 CP1/2: includes additional targets for CO2 removal in the 2030 timeframe and related to carbon farming: "This target shall be further amplified by additional measures and initiatives at Union level to support carbon farming, delivering at least 50 million additional tonnes CO2 equivalent of net removals by 2030 at Union level. Such measures and initiatives, as well as methodology for target calculation and distribution between Member States, shall be set by delegated act supplementing this Regulation one year after the entry into force of this legislation."+Climate1282314Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the regulation for the achievement of climate neutrality in the land use, forestry and agriculture sector (LULUCF)AM 73: States that "Where a Member State decides to authorise the use of carbon credits from the LULUCF sector for offsetting by public or private entities, including PE732.333/ 56 EN through Articles 6.2 or 6.4 of the Paris Agreement, the amount of removals transferred or used shall not be taken into account for the objective of meeting the annual targets of that Member State as set out in Article 4, paragraph 3, of this Regulation."+Climate1325210Approved
08/06/2022Report on the Social Climate FundAm 161 & 162: Excludes from the scope of the Social Climate Fund the economic activities excluded from the Just Transition Fund (activities related to fossil fuels, atomic energy and tobacco)+Climate1283348Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the Social Climate FundAm 163 : adds "Member States shall only be eligible to receive funding under this Regulation if they have enshrined into law an objective of economy-wide net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest."+Climate1292345Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the Social Climate FundAm 169: Adds "(15 a) Member States should ensure that. the public is given early and effective opportunities to participate in and to be consulted on the preparation of the Plans in accordance with, where applicable, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters of 25 June 1998 (the ‘Aarhus Convention’) and Regulation (EU) 2021/1767 of the European Parliament and of the Council1a, respectively. Member States should also aim to limit administrative complexity when fulfilling their obligations with regard to public consultation."+Environmental justice1273345Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the regulation for CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new light commercial vehiclesAm 39 : The following Article is added: "3a. Restriction of highly polluting passenger cars.As of 2030, manufacturers shall not be permitted to register any passenger car with specific emissions of CO2 above 123 g CO2/km."+Climate1219387Rejected
08/06/2022Report on the regulation for CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new light commercial vehiclesAm 72= 125= Favours a voluntary crediting system where vehicle manufacturers are given credits when renewable fuels are introduced in the market, proportionally to the reduction of CO2 emission they cause. This measure does not favour a real reduction of emission overall, nor avoids an increase in the global fuel consumption, but simply favours the substitution to low-emission fuels. In Particular: "his Regulation aims to accelerate the transition towards carbon neutral mobility in a technologically neutral way. As a complement to the efforts towards an increasing availability of zero-emission vehicles, a methodology based on a voluntary crediting system is introduced to account the contribution from the use of sustainable and/or advanced renewable fuels when assessing the compliance with CO2 emissions reductions of newly registered cars and light commercial vehicles. If a vehicle manufacturer can demonstrate that a certified additional amount of advanced and/or sustainable renewable fuel is introduced into the transport market, the equivalent CO2 emissions savings can be credited when assessing the compliance with this Regulation."-Climate1280313Rejected
22/06/2022Report on a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading systemAm 661 p. 4: Partly says "By way of derogation from Articles 3g and 3ga, Member States shall take no action against shipping companies in respect of emissions from ships performing voyages on routes between island and mainland or within islands which form part of the same insular region (...)" -Climate1192423Rejected
22/06/2022Report on a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading systemAm 499 p.6: rom 1 January 2024 and each year thereafter, shipping companies shall be liable to surrender allowances corresponding to one hundred percent (100 %) of verified emissions reported for each respective year+Climate1455166Adopted
22/06/2022Report on a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading systemAm 668 : Partly says "Until 31 December 2030, the allocation of 100% of the allowances to vessels employed for LNG imports shall be free of charge" -Climate1174450Rejected
06/07/2022Motion for a resolution on the regulation as regards specific public disclosures for economic activities in the energy sectorUnique vote +Climate1278328Rejected
07/07/2022Report on the regulation for a level playing field for sustainable air transport (ReFuelEU)Am 133: "The report shall also consider the possibility of expanding the scope of this Regulation in future to cover private pleasure flights."+Climate1167403Rejected
07/07/2022Motion for a resolution on the situation of indigenous and environmental defenders in Brazil, including the killing of Dom Philips and Bruno PereiraUnique vote +Environmental justice036216Adopted
13/09/2022Report on the regulation on commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradationAm 40: adds the following "(27a) Financial institutions should be covered by this Regulation as their services could lead to support activities linked directly or indirectly to deforestation, forest degradation and forest conversion. All banking, investment and insurance activities of financial institutions should therefore be included in the scope of this Regulation in order to prevent them supporting projects directly or indirectly linked to deforestation, forest degradation or forest conversion."+Biodiversity1312277Adopted
13/09/2022Report on the regulation on commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradationAm 87: adds the following "This Regulation also lays down obligations for financial institutions headquartered or operating in the Union that provide financial services to natural or legal persons whose economic activities consist, or are linked to, the production, supply, placing on or export from the Union market of the relevant commodities and products within the meaning of this Article."+Biodiversity1319279Adopted
13/09/2022Report on the regulation on commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradationAm 148: add a duty of vigilance for financial institutions over their clients, concerning the risks of engagement in deforestation or forest degradation+Environmental justice1314277Adopted
14/09/2022Report on a directive for the promotion of energy from renewable sourcesAm 62 p.6: the share of energy from renewable sources in the Union’s gross final consumption of energy in 2030 is at least 50%. Member States shall set national binding targets (instead of t 40%)+Climate1148489Reejcted
14/09/2022Report on a directive for the promotion of energy from renewable sourcesAm 63 p.7: design, planning and implementation of policies and investments on the basis of the “do no harm” principle with full respect to natural ecosystems, and local communities' wellbeing. Member States shall ensure meaningful public consultation and participation in the transition to renewables,+Climate1183414Rejected
15/09/2022Motion for a resolution on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuel projects§5 :” Reiterates its call for a strong and ambitious directive on mandatory corporate due diligence and an ambitious legally binding international instrument to cope with human rights, environment and climate obligations, as outlined in its resolution of 10 March 2021 with recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and accountability."+Environmental justice0334199Adopted
06/10/2022Motion for a resolution "Momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity"§4/3 : reiterates its call for the EU to push for an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework at COP15 with targets to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, including through legally binding global restoration and protection targets of at least 30 % by 2030;+Ocean0413141adopted 
06/10/2022Motion for a resolution "Momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity"§6 : Reiterates its call on the Commission and the Member States to support an international moratorium on deep seabed mining+Ocean034279Adopted
06/10/2022Motion for a resolution "Momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity"§13/2 : expects the new EU Nature Restoration Law to ensure the restoration of degraded marine ecosystems, considering that healthy marine ecosystems can protect and restore biodiversity and mitigate climate change, providing multiple ecosystem services+Ocean0440109Approved
06/10/2022Motion for a resolution "Momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity"§13/3: reiterates its call for a restoration target of at least 30 % of the EU’s land and seas, which goes beyond simple protection; +Ocean0402139Approved
06/10/2022Motion for a resolution "Momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity"Am2: demands to take into account the reserves of gas in the arctic region as a possible source of energy for increasig independence from Russian gas;-Ocean0236317Rejected
06/10/2022Motion for a resolution "Momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity"Am. 4/2: urges the Commission to suspend the application of this Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1614 of 15 September 2022 (determining the existing deep-sea fishing areas and establishing a list of areas where vulnerable marine ecosystems are known to occur or are likely to occur);-Ocean0319212Approuved
18/10/2022Motion for a resolution on the extension of the approval periods of a list of pesticidesObjection pursuant to Rule 112 (2) and (3): Active substances, including 8-hydroxyquinoline, chlorotoluron and difenoconazole - B9-0460/2022 Single reading . calls on the Commission to withdraw approvals for substances for which there is evidence or reasonable doubt that they will not meet the safety criteria + calls on the Commission to duly justify its decisions to extend the approval periods for active substances"+Biodiversity0349275Approved
19/10/2022Report on the regulation on the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport (FuelEU Maritime Initiative)Am 173 p.13: From 1 January 2035, at least 6 % of the yearly average energy used on-board a ship shall be met with renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) +Climate1203423Rjejected
19/10/2022Report on the regulation on the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport (FuelEU Maritime Initiative)Am 167: The Commission should set up a monitoring scheme specifically to assess carbon leakage and business leakage, as well as potential evasive practices, and draft a list of potential business activities that do not fall under significant business activities performed at neighbouring EU port calls+Climate1155480Rejected
13/12/2022Motion for a resolution on Commission's decision authorising products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified soybeanUnique vote +Biodiversity0425182Adopted
14/12/2022Report on the directives on the use of energy from renewable sources, on the energy performance of buildings and on energy efficiencyAm 2: exclude Natura 2000 sites and nature parks and reserves, unless the renewable energy plants do not significantly affect the purpose of protection of such site and appropriate mitigation and biodiversity-enhancement measures are duly adopted ==> instead of strict xclusion from Natura 2000+D58-Biodiversity1228368Rejected
14/12/2022Report on the directives on the use of energy from renewable sources, on the energy performance of buildings and on energy efficiencyAM 39 p.6: seeks to extend exemptions "from the obligation to carry out a specific environmental impact assessment".-Climate1298311Rejected
19/01/2023Report on the small-scale fisheries situation in the EUAm 1 : among other things, « Stresses that small-scale coastal fishing is carried out by marine and inland fishing vessels of an overall length of less than 12 metres and not using towed fishing gear, and by fishers on foot, including shellfish gatherers, and that the sector accounts for 76 % of all active fishing vessels registered in the EU and half of the engaged crew members » +Ocean0117420Rejected 
19/01/2023Report on the small-scale fisheries situation in the EUAm 3: Underlines how the exoneration on fuel taxation mainly favours industrial fleets. Asks for the introduction of a minimal level of taxation on fuel for the fishing sector, with a compensation for the artisanal fishing fleet +Ocean0126408Rejected 
11/05/2023Motion for a resolution on Commission's decision authorising products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified cottonUnique vote +Biodiversity0394169Adopted
01/06/2023Report on companies' duty of vigilance with regard to sustainable developmentAm 68/2 p.58: The plan should take into account the value chain and include time- bound targets related to their climate objectives (...) including, where appropriate, absolute emission reduction targets for greenhouse gas including, where relevant, methane emissions, for 2030 and in five-year steps up to 2050 based on conclusive scientific evidence, except where a company can demonstrate that its operations and value chain do not cause greenhouse gas emissions and that such emission reduction targets would therefore not be appropriate. +Environmental justice1472154Adopted
01/06/2023Report on companies' duty of vigilance with regard to sustainable developmentAm 412 p.6: attempts to weaken companies' responsibility for sustainability throughout their value chain-Environmental justice1184427Rejected
01/06/2023Report on companies' duty of vigilance with regard to sustainable developmentAm 247/2 p. 141: Member States shall ensure that companies ' business model and strategy = aligned with the objectives of the transition to a sustainable economy and with the limiting of global warming to 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement and the objective of achieving climate neutrality as established in Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 (European Climate Law) +Environmental justice1350277Aopted
01/06/2023Report on companies' duty of vigilance with regard to sustainable developmentAm 116: Includes in the scope of the reglementation: "activities related to, and entities involved in, the sale, distribution, transport, storage, and waste management of a company’s products or the provision of services, and excluding the waste managemen+Environmental justice1346281Adopted
01/06/2023Report on companies' duty of vigilance with regard to sustainable developmentAm 394D= 402D: Eliminates from the scope of the due diligence the responsibility of companies to act in line with Paris Agreemnt and the fact that Climate change is among the risk factors included in due vigilance obligations-Environmental justice1149480Rejected
14/06/2023Report on ensuring food security and long-term resilience of the EU agricultureAm 4 p.6: partly says " calls on the Commission to use this draft law to strengthen responsibility and engagement in the entire food chain in the transition towards sustainability, to recognise animal welfare as a requirement for a sustainable food system and to encourage a shift towards animal husbandry which respects planetary boundaries and ensures animal health and welfare"+Climate0272335Rejected
12/07/2023Report on the Nature Restauration LawRejection vote -Biodiversity1312324Rejected
12/07/2023Report on the Nature Restauration LawAm 115: Weakens the fact that "effective and area-based restoration measures which together shall cover,by 2030, at least 20 % of the Union’s land and sea areas"+ suppresses that these measures wil cover " by 2050, all ecosystems in need of restoration.-Biodiversity1294337Rejected
12/07/2023Report on the Nature Restauration LawAm 21 p.3: reduces restoration measures, in particular by limiting them to Natura 2000 areas, by removing the requirement that these measures be implemented on "at least 30% of the area of each group of habitat types".-Biodiversity1322320Adopted
12/07/2023Report on the Nature Restauration LawAm 23 p.5: tries to limit restoration measures to Natura 2000 areas-Biodiversity1312325Rejected
12/07/2023Report on the Nature Restauration LawAm 28 p.10: reduces the restoration measures, in particular by limiting them to Natura 2000 areas, by removing the fact that these measures are implemented on "at least 30% of the area of each group of habitat types" + deletes the restoration objectives ron at least 60% of this area by 2040 and on at least 90% of this area by 2050.-Biodiversity1321326Rejected
12/07/2023Report on the Nature Restauration LawAm 135: states in particular that account must be taken of "the impact of nature restoration on food production, food availability and food prices".-Biodiversity1330309Adopted
14/09/2023Report on the regulation the supply of critical raw materialsAM 9D: deletes an article describing how critical raw material projects override nature protection legislation, allowing the development of such projects in protected areas +Biodiversity1132426Rejected
14/09/2023Report on the regulation the supply of critical raw materialsAM 11: Demands that "the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as established in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007" are taken into consideration while evaluating +Environmental justice1273259Adopted
14/09/2023Report on the regulation the supply of critical raw materialsAm 15: Includes in the scope of the reglementation: "activities related to, and entities involved in, the sale, distribution, transport, storage, and waste management of a company’s products or the provision of services, and excluding the waste managemen+Environmental justice1173389Rejected
21/11/2023Report on the measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)Art 13bis §4(9) Am 1PC: indicates that in exceptional circonstances, Member States can "establish (industrial) )Valleys in areas subject to restoration measures according to the National Restoration Plans prepared under the Regulation on Nature Restoratio-Biodiversity1428181Adopted
21/11/2023Report on the measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)Am 31: adds the following "he provision of public subsidies must be transparent and proportionate. When public support is granted, it shall be incompatible with extraordinary dividend payments and share buybacks."+Environmental justice1211368Rejected
22/11/2023Recommendation on the Free Trade Agreement with New ZealandUnique vote-Climate052485Adopted
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 475, 495, 615-616: Loosen the temporal targets for the reduction of pesticide use and changes the dates on which the baseline of reduction is calculated (2011-2013 instead of 2015-2017) hence undermining the ambition of the text-Biodiversity1323297Adopted
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 463, 470-472, 474, 525, 533-535, 540-541, 544, 548-549, 552-556, 619: Substitute the term "rules" with "guidelines" in a set of articles, hence jeopardising the legal wheight of the reglementation-Biodiversity1333297Adopted
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 459: heavily loosens the definition of sensitive area (where pesticide use is forbidden)-Biodiversity1320315Adopted
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 455: introduces an article demanding the 10 largest industries of the agrofood sector to implement a plan for the reduction of the use and risk of chemical plant protections+Environmental justice1301323Rejected
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 584S: deletes article 19, forbidding the use of pesicides over and within 3 meters from surface waters-Biodiversity1296329Rejected
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 609S: deletes the following "Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation and shall take the measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for shall be effective-Environmental justice1295325Rejected
22/11/2023Report on the regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (pesticides)Am 660: "Article42a Transparency requirements for manufacturers of plant protection products 1. Manufacturers as defined in Article 3(8b) placing plant protection products on the single market shall establish a transparency plan by ... [two years from the date of entry into force of this Regulation] containing relevant information on how the company will contribute to the objectives laid down in Article 2, in particular as regards their efforts in providing non-chemical or low- risk alternatives to plant protection products and their efforts supporting the uptake of Integrated Pest Management as defined in Article 13. 2. If a manufacturer does not present its transparency plan by the date set in paragraph 1, Member States shall impose proportionate fines."+Environmental justice1328253Adopted
18/01/2024Report on the EU Action Plan for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheriesAm10: Welcomes the fact that the action plan calls on Member States to progressively phase out bottom trawling in MPAs and to mitigate the effects of bottom trawling on seabed ecosystems; stresses that long-term visibility and financial support is needed to ensure a just transition that leaves no fisher behind; considers that the same objectives should be defended at international level+Ocean0187308Rejected
18/01/2024Report on the EU Action Plan for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheriesAm11: Reiterates its support for tackling the detrimental impacts on the climate, sea-floor integrity, fish populations and sensitive species (as bycatch) of fishing techniques, such as demersal seine, mobile bottom-contacting gear, drift nets, or fish aggregating devices (FAD), including by limiting their use+Ocean0252284Rejected
18/01/2024Report on the EU Action Plan for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheriesAM12: "Recalls its position on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of 11 December 2013, as regards restrictions to the access to Union waters ( Texts adopted, P9_TA(2022)0395.), calling for a ban on demersal seine (Danish and Scottish seine) in French waters, as demanded by regional fisheries organisations; calls for the Member States and the EU to prohibit the use of demersal seine in all EU waters;" +Ocean0233289Rejected
18/01/2024Report on the EU Action Plan for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheriesAm13: "Calls for fishing vessels over 25 metres in length to be prohibited from fishing in EU waters up to 12 nautical miles from the baselines;"+Ocean0146397Rejected
18/01/2024Report on the EU Action Plan for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheriesAm14: "Recalls that Member States must fully implement Article 17 CFP when allocating fishing opportunities; calls on the Member States to allocate fishing opportunities on the basis of transparent and objective criteria based on the social and environmental performance of fishing fleets and to implement Article 17 as a tool to incentivise low-impact responsible fishing practices;"+Ocean0276265Approved